Coronavirus (COVID-19) update: Majority of courses will be online through fall semester.  More information.

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25+ faculty
250+ grad students
$8M in sponsored research



Students enrolled in Prof. Rick Martin’s Microprocessor Systems course created a line-following robot that uses IR sensors to detect and follow a 2” wide track. On the last day of class, they competed on a 16-foot-long course. 

Undergraduate Programs


Young Investigator


Engineering professor selected for Army Research Office Young Investigator Program.



Three upcoming missions and related UD research aim to expand knowledge of the red planet.

Robotics on the Rise


Center for Autonomous and Robotic Systems to galvanize robotics research at UD.

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Swati Singh

Singh, an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering, received the 2023 Outstanding Junior Faculty Award from the College of Engineering. Singh’s research interests are in the area of dynamical systems and control with applications to systems biology and neuroscience. He has spent more than a decade using tools from these diverse fields to address emerging medical problems, such as, cancer drug resistance, HIV dormancy and viral phage therapy. This innovative interdisciplinary research has led to over 100 peer-reviewed publications.

Faculty Bio


UD’s new Spectrum Scholars program promotes a welcoming environment for undergraduate students with autism at UD that enhances their ability to thrive in academic environments and campus life. In collaboration with JPMorgan Chase & Co. and administered by the University’s Center for Disabilities Studies, undergraduate students with autism receive comprehensive coaching and career development opportunities during their undergraduate experience as they work toward a successful career.

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Our department’s annual magazine highlights the latest research breakthroughs, accomplishments, and news about our academic programs. ssr软件下载


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